Expert consultancy in teaching, learning and curriculum. We can tailor make a programme to suit your school's specific needs. Whether its an audit of your current provision, a one off CPD session or an ongoing working partnership we provide suitable support for your staff development programmes and suitable challenges to secure effective and lasting change where it is needed.

So many problems in attainment can be alleviated by having an excellent and well understood curriculum. Stop worrying about how to recruit, train and retain first rate staff if you still offer a second rate curriculum. You might find you had the staff all along.
Do your staff understand how the narrative that they provide for your pupils in their subjects unfolds over time?
Do your staff understand the design principles for a 'joined-up curriculum'?
Do your staff know how to ensure consistency and unity of purpose throughout their curriculum in design and in delivery?
Do your staff know what is taught and when in their subjects?
If your answer to any of these questions is no, then contact us now. If the answer is 'not sure' then book an audit today.
We can offer a full curriculum design consultancy, using the tried and tested trivium method as a structure, resulting in an academically challenging, creative and thoughtful curriculum through which to inspire and delight your staff and give your pupils a first rate education.
Curriculum Design
The Conversational Classroom (Rhetoric and Dialectic)
If your pupils can't talk the talk, are they performing as well as they could? If the quality of the spoken word is improved in your school then attainment should soon follow.
Are your pupils able to explain their learning cogently and respond confidently to searching questions?
Are your pupils able to use subject specific language in their everyday interactions with both adults and their peers?
Are pupils aware of the importance of eloquence when they speak?
Are your pupils able to debate, argue and and converse respectfully whilst using reason and rhetoric to full effect?
Are your staff aware of how to use whole class questioning and probing techniques both to test and assess the quality of learning?
Are your staff aware of the possibilities to reduce their marking workload by using questioning and feedback more effectively in the classroom?
Are all your staff as confident as they could be in the quality of their ability to communicate effectively in the classroom?
If your answer to any of these questions is no, then contact us now. If the answer is 'not sure' then book an audit today.